About The Author

Darnita Anderson Hill, DO

Darnita Anderson Hill, DO, was born into an osteopathic family, as one would say. She was born in the early 1960s in a small Georgia clinic where her mother birthed her with the assistance of one of the first black osteopathic physicians in the country. She is the daughter of Dr. William Anderson, the first African American president of the American Osteopathic Association, and by faith, Darnita got married to a DO. Her interest in becoming a doctor sparked from being inspired by her father. As far as she knew, she had terrific beginnings, and the depravities that marred many, primarily, because of their color, for her, were covered by the protection and love of a strong family unit. As events would dictate, Darnita and her four older siblings were often scattered about into the care of trusted friends. It was Darnita’s parents whose stand for and commitment to social justice would result in bomb threats against her family’s home in Albany, Georgia. In reflection, Darnita describes this time as “blissful ignorance” –for as a baby and young child, she thought it might have been a game of hide and seek. Darnita went on to obtain her undergraduate degree in biology at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Then she continued her education, once again, back north, at Michigan State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine – receiving her doctorate in osteopathic medicine. Dr. Darnita Hill finds enjoyment and passion in her practice as she integrates her study of natural and holistic approaches to healthcare delivery. She remains inspired by her osteopathic medicine practice and is energized by her ongoing research into osteopathy history, science, and philosophy. She grew up with a mindset that access to medical services, especially for healing purposes, should be available and accessible to all without any strain.

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