Blacks in Osteopathic Medicine An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Blacks in Osteopathic Medicine: An Idea Whose Time Has Come – The Contributions of Blacks in the History and Transformation of Medicine, Osteopathy, and Human Health is a convenient compilation and research text, containing the essentials to engage readers and guide them through a depiction of continuous occasions concerning Andrew Taylor Still, the originator of osteopathy, the impact of the African American in osteopathy, and the functionality of osteopathic medication as a conductor for wellbeing, mending, and change. Darnita believes that this subject has never received honorable recognition, nor has it been addressed meaningfully before publishing it. Through this book, she wants the reader to have an insight into the history of osteopathy and go on a healing journey. She narrates the importance of a physician considering spiritual elements about health. This book sets out to disprove the idea and thought that there is no historical information regarding Black people’s subject within the context of being part and parcel of both the founding and development of medicine—including osteopathic medicine in America and throughout the world. Not only is there enough information to illustrate an essential aspect of osteopathy, but the information also makes manifest the relevance and importance of defining the African American’s role in contributing to one of the most significant medical sciences in the world today. This untold story will capture the imagination of some, spark elements of denial in others, and challenge a few to expand the brevity of their knowledge about osteopathic medicine.

Why Read It?

Blacks in Osteopathic Medicine An Idea Whose Time Has Come

“Osteopathy is the law of mind, matter, and motion” – Andrew Taylor Still.

This groundbreaking anthology gives both a broad-based and detailed account of Blacks’ influence in osteopathic medicine development in America and medical science in general: this same group is now an integral part of osteopathy’s ongoing evolution. Dr. Darnita Hill explores the work of pioneering Black osteopathic physicians, bringing them into the limelight – manifesting their dedication and unwavering contribution to this tremendous medical science and osteopathic medicine’s growth as a profession if you are looking for a research text about Osteopathic medicine. This is the best read as it unfolds the discovery of Osteopathy by Andrew Taylor Still and highlights the contribution of Blacks in osteopathic medicine as they played an important role in osteopathy’s history.


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